- So many opportunities to travel in country besides going to the South by two different routes to Petra, Wadi Rum and Aqaba. One by the busy more direct Kings Highway or the slower desert route passed the Dead Sea, Madaba and Kerak.
- Visits to Jerash the 2rd Century Greco-Roman site. King Hussein's wife Queen Noor would host the annual Jerash Festival in the spring featuring several shows performed by Jordanian, Arab and foreign artists.
- Queen Noor also hosted many charity events including several benefit walks
- Being so close to Israel and Jerusalem I was assigned to make the Diplomatic Pouch run every six months and travel over the Allenby Bridge to Jerusalem and Israel and end up spending a weekend in either Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.
- Travelling by rode through the border with Syria to Damascus for shopping at the Grand Bazaar and the Street called Straight.
- I was at the Embassy Amman American Club getting ready to watch the 1989 World Series between the Giants and A's when the Earthquake hit the Bay Area.
Favorite Memories:
- Among the many trips to Petra the most memorable was as Control Officer for the visit of the DOS Under Secretary for Management and his wife. Because they didn't want to hike anymore I ended up having to commandeer a Ministry vehicle to exit from Petra. Then when leaving country his wife had left her medications in her baggage so the airline had to recover her bag in order to get them which caused a delay in departure.
- Amman, Jordan was a popular site for soliciting support from King Hussein for peace between Israel and the Palestinians and consequently SECSTATE George Schultz had made several trips to Jordan. It was always a pleasure to provide support for the visit be it for transportation or manning the control room in the hotel where he and his staff stayed.
- Favorite Arabic foods Kebab, Falafel and Shawarma and Mezze including Hummus,
Mutabbal, Babaganosh, Tabbaouleh, Foul, Tahini. Favorite site for Shwarma at 3rd circle near the embassy.
- Trip to Palmyra Syria with RSO Tommy Grey.
- Trip to Syria before leaving Jordan (See separate Blog Site)
- Playing tennis with POL Officer Naim Ahmed at the Ambassador's tennis court.
Ambassador Rocky Suddarth with my staff Jubran, Leila, Afaf, Ronnie, Roula, Nizar
Royal Jordanian Softball Team sponsored our team to travel to Dubai, UAE for annual spring softball tournaments for teams throughout the Middle East and Gulf.
FMO Conference In Paris
The Siq Entrance to Petra
The Treasury
Path leading up to another temple
Wadi Rum
Jerash Corinthian Columns of the Temple of Artemis
 | Ruins of the ancient Greco-Roman City
Dead Sea
Stone Monument on Mt. Nebo
Plaque showing the distance to various cities in Jordan and the West Bank
From Mt. Nebo Moses viewed: The Dead Sea, the Jordan River Valley, Jericho, Bethlehem and the distant hills of Jerusalem.
Mosaic from Mt. Nebo Church
Kerak Castle
Remains of the Crusader Castle build in 1142
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