Saturday, December 31, 1994

1994 Year in Review


  • Departure from Morocco, home leave in the U.S. and arrival in Athens early September just in time to close out the fiscal year. 
  • Prior to leaving Morocco I visited the south of Spain.  Driving up to Tangier and taking the ferry to Algeciras, Spain.  Visits to Ronda, Granada (The Alhambra) and Costa del Sol including Malaga, Torremolinos and Marbella. (See separate Blog
  • Tennis tournament November 5, 1994.  Enjoyed tennis at the American school and Politia Tennis club and squash Politia as well.
Politia Tennis Club
                                                       Dining at the club            
  • Numerous CODELS including Shelby in December and Sarbanes in January.
U.S. Events:

·         Olympic figure skater Nancy Kerrigan attacked (Jan. 6); three arrested in attack (Jan. 13).

·         Aldrich Ames, high C.I.A. official, charged with spying for Soviets (Feb. 22).

·         Four convicted in World Trade Center bombing (March 4).

·         Clinton accused of sexual harassment while Governor of Arkansas (May 6).

·         O. J. Simpson arrested in killings of wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and friend, Ronald Goldman   (June 18).

·         US Supreme Court approves limit on abortion protests (June 30).

·         Senate confirms Stephen G. Breyer for Supreme Court (July 29).

·         Major league baseball players strike (Aug. 13).

·         Newt Gingrich named House Speaker (Dec. 5).

World Events:

·         Serbs' heavy weapons pound Sarajevo (Jan. 5-6).  Thousands dead in Rwanda massacre (April 6).

·         South Africa holds first interracial national election (April 29); Nelson Mandela elected   President.

·         Israel signs accord with Palestinians (May 4), peace treaty with Jordan (Oct. 17).

·         IRA declares cease-fire in Northern Ireland (Aug. 31). Ulster Protestants declare cease-fire (Oct. 13).

·         Aristide returns to Haiti (Oct. 4), forms Government with Prime Minister and Cabinet (Nov.   9).

·         US sends forces to Persian Gulf (Oct. 7).

·         Russians attack secessionist Republic of Chechnya (Dec. 11 et seq.).


Best Picture "Schindler's List".  Best Actor Tom Hanks "Philadelphia".  Best actress Holly Hunter "The Piano"; Best supporting actor Tommy Lee Jones "The Fugitive"; Best supporting actress Anna Paquin, "The Piano.  Best Director Steven Spielberg "Schlinder's List".  Best Foreign Film "Belle Epoch".  

Super Bowl

Super Bowl XXVIII was between the Dallas Cowboys and Buffalo Bills.. The Cowboys defeated the Bills for the second straight year by the score of 30–13, winning their fourth Super Bowl in team history, tying the Pittsburgh Steelers and the San Francisco 49ers for most Super Bowl wins. This is the only time that the same two teams have met in consecutive Super Bowls. The defending Super Bowl XXVII champion Cowboys finished with a 12–4 regular season record, despite key players missing games due to injuries. The Bills were making their fourth consecutive Super Bowl appearance, but still seeking their first title, after also finishing with a 12–4 regular season record, largely through the strength of their no-huddle offense.

After trailing 13–6 at halftime, the Cowboys scored 24 unanswered points in the second half. The Bills had built their lead off of running back Thurman Thomas' 4-yard touchdown run. But just 45 seconds into the third quarter, Thomas was stripped of the ball, and Dallas safety James Washington returned the fumble 46 yards for a touchdown to tie the game. From there, Cowboys running back Emmitt Smith, who was named the Super Bowl MVP, largely took over the game. On Dallas' next possession, Smith was handed the ball seven times on an eight-play, 64-yard drive that was capped off with his 15-yard touchdown run. He later scored on a 1-yard touchdown in the fourth quarter. Overall, Smith had 30 carries for 132 yards and 2 touchdowns, while also catching 4 passes for 26 yards.

World Series

The 1994 World Series was canceled on September 14 of that year due to a strike by the MLB Players Association that started on August 12. It was only the second time in MLB history that a World Series was not played in a given season (the first being in 1904).  This was to have been the first year of a regularly scheduled three-tier playoff system, with the National League and American League divided into three divisions (East, Central, and West) at the start of the 1994 season. (An unscheduled three-tier system was used in 1981 due to the shortening of the season by a mid-season labor dispute.) The new playoff system (involving a wild card team in each league) did not go into effect until the 1995 postseason.

Saturday, June 25, 1994

Rabat, Morocco 1990-94


  • Support Trips to Consulate Casablanca, American Legation and VOA Tangier.
  • May 2-12, 1994 TDY to Algiers to spell Management Officer, Brian McIntosh.
  • Serving on the Board of the Rabat American School.  Bob Sills, Principal
  • Pulling Duty including courier runs to the airport about every six months.
  • Annual Marine Ball in November.   
  • Occasional support for CODELs and Staff Del visits each year like Shelby, Lantos and Bereuter in January 1994.
  • August 26, 1993 Jim Woolwine replaced Al Lopez as Management Officer.
  • December 7-10, 1993 one of several visits by SECSTATE George Shultz 

Favorite Memories:

  • Trip north to El Hoceima on the northern edge of the Rif Mountains with Roy Chavera and Steve Taylor.  Sailing from the port on the Mediterranean.  My Mitsubishi Pajero broke down not getting enough gas and Steve was able to fix it by taking a piece of tin from peanut can and placing it inside the carburetor.  
  • Trip south with Roy to Zagora and riding camel in the Sahara.    
  • Trip to the Todra Gorge via the the Tizi-n-Tichka road connecting Marrakech to Ouarzazate
  • March 26 - April4, 1993 Trip to Ouarzazate  and Ait Benahaddou site for many films  including the epic "Lawrence of Arabia", "Gladiator" "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" "The Man Who Would Be King", "The Game of Thrones 2011 series, and many religious films including "Jesus of Nazareth", "The Last Temptation of Chris" and "Kingdom of Heaven".     
  • June 12-14, 1993 Trip to Fez, Volubilis and Meknes.  Medina and leather tanneries in Fez.  3rd century ancient roman city of Volubilis.  Meknes and the Bab Mansour huge gate with arches and mosaic tiling and the 17th century Mausoleum of Sultan Moulay Ismail with courtyards and fountains.  
  • June 20-27, 1993 vacation to Oualidia, Essaouira, Agadir, and Marrakech.
  • Vacation to Paris July 16-25, 1993.
  • OIG Inspection October 1993.  Inspector Diane Smith wrote me up for having retained funds obligated for curtains for residences.
  • November 25-28, 1993 vacation to Tangier and Gibraltar.   
  • April 1-9, 1994 family trip to London.
  • Acting out different plays at Ambassador Ussery's.
  • Weekly poker with the USAID guys:  Jerry Render, Rick Scott, Gene Kull, Joe, Keith
  • Embassy softball team playing at American School rivalry with USAID other teams like the Japanese, Hash House Harriers, CG Casablanca.  
  • Coaching little league with Marine Detachment Commander.
  • Tiger Cubs Boy scout trips with Jeffrey:  4X4 Off-road Rally February 5, 1994; Temara and Bouznika, Camp out May 28, 1994.  Patrick Tai-Kwon-Do lessons Saturday mornings.  
  • Patrick's First Communion May 15, 1994.
  • Travel to the South of Spain June 24-27, 1994 before leaving Morocco (See separate Blog site)
  • Playing tennis at the American club, within walking distance to the Embassy, with Gene Kull, Helena Lopez, Vern and Elaine. 
  • Departed Morocco July 9, 1994.

Ouarzazate  and Ait Benahaddou 

The Road south

Me and Roy Chavera on a camel track outside Zagora


Todra Gorge

Embassy Softball Team Bart Hoskins, Dwight Rhoades, Chuck Wills, Mike Jahnake

Mike Ussery was a political appointed Ambassador to Morocco from 1989-92
and a really nice guy , very approachable who got along with everyone.  He used to hold parties acting out different plays.  He also went with the group that hiked the Atlas Mountains.  He was from Columbia, South Carolina.  
Ambassador Frederick "Freck" Vreeland was the Ambassador to Morocco 1992-93.  His mother was French-American columnist, Diana Vreeland, editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine.  He purchased a 12,000 square foot fortress just outside of Marrakech and, in fact, retired there.  He had some famous guests stay at his mansion like Mick Jagger, King Hassan II.      

Marc Ginsberg was the Ambassador from 1994-98.  At 44 years of age the first Jewish 
 Ambassador to an Arab country.  As a political appointee he had a lot to learn about Department regulations on representation, household staff and allowable expenses.  I had an uncomfortable situation with him surrounding the 4th of July celebration in scheduling the singer for the Moroccan national anthem.  

Saturday, June 11, 1994

Tour of Andalucia Southern Spain before leaving Morocco

The Alhambra Granada Spain

Alhambra Granada Spain:
Dawn of the Alhambra

Fierce civil wars ravaged in al-Andalusia during reign of Emir Abdullah ibn-Muhammad (888 to 912 AD).

In one certain battle, rebelling Muladies had crushed the Arabs, who had to seek refuge in humble red-coloured castle (either: Phoenician, Greek or from Roman Spain origins) situated on a hill. The castle's defences provided scant protection for the Arabs. The castle served its purpose but incurred severe damages and was almost forgotten about.

Location of the Red Castle

The castle was sited on a natural plateau, on Sabikah hill, in Andalucia Spain. Machuca Patio and Mexuar

Below that hill, there was a significant Jewish quarter: Jewish refugees who settled from the time of Nebuchadnezzar 586 BC. That Jewish quarter was called the Albayzin, it was a suburb of the city of Gárnata, in the province of Elvira: Medina Elvira was the capital of Granada - until the fall of the Cordovan Caliphate.

Moorish Invasion of Spain

The Albayzin Jews aided the Moors during the invasion of the Iberian peninsula and helped them to take Granada. The Moors took possession of the city: 711 - 713 AD.

The Albayzin

The Albayzin grew.
Jewish Samuel ibn-Nahgralla was the Vizier to King Habbus of Granada. Samuel ibn-Nahgralla built himself a palace on the ruins of the red castle. Its plot was that of the Alhambra's Alcazaba.

Overtime the city of Granada evolved around the Albayzin.
From 1055 to 1066 AD, local Muslims grew to resent the Jews. 30th December 1066,, there was a massive revolt instigated by the Berber Muslims against the Jewish community. The mob seized and murdered Joseph ibn-Naggralla by crucifiction (the following vizier after Samuel: Joseph was his son). The castle was smashed to ruins and 4,000 Spanish Jews lost their lives.
Alcazaba and Patio de Armas

Do theses names sound familiar?
Yes, the construction of The Alhambra AND Malaga Alcazaba had similar names and were identical in some details, they were built and designed by the same people.
The Alcazaba palace was built several times. Alhambra history is more detailed in Alhambra Granada Spain Palaces
Etymology of Alcazaba (from the Arabic word al-qasba): fortress

Various Etymologies of Granada

  • Gárnata, Granada of the Jews: a small Jewish district
  • Moorish name: Ilbiria
  • Christian name: Elvira
  • Roman name: Illiberis
  • Greek name: Elibyrge

What does "Granada" mean?

Granada in Spanish means: a pomegranate.
After the city of Granada was established as province's capital. The Moors chose the "pomegranate" as a city crest symbol. To this day the pomegranate symbol remains.
Significances of Sacred Geometric patterns islamic art and architecture 1

Pomegranates iconize Granada

Pomegranates represented on the entrance paving of Mexuar Palace.

Taifa (petty Kingdom) of Granada 1013 to 1091

The Zihrids were a Berber tribe.
After the civil war, of the Cordovan Caliphate and complete destruction of the Cordovan palatine city of Madinat-az-Zahra, the Zirid clan, moved from Cordoba and set up their residence in Granada.

Medina Elvira during the 8th to 11th century was the ancient city of the Cordovan Caliphate (and during the Emirate). It was also destroyed being part of the Cordovan Caliphate. However, Elvira's roots, belong to previous civilizations.
The Christians effaced Elvira completely during the reconquista. Granada's Archaeological and Ethynological museum, has remnants of its existence.
Zawi ben-Ziri, the Zirid clan chief, created an Independent Kingdom - from this point - Granada became capital of the Granada province.

Etymology of the Word Alhambra

Alhambra in Arabic signifies "the red one."

Fortress walls of the Alhambra Granada Spain were constructed with locally-made bricks. The sundried bricks were composed of clay and gravel from the surrounding area. Naturally high iron levels, in the soil-content, cause a red-hue reflection.

The Alhambra Symbolized

Identical to the Madinat az-Zahra, the Alhambra, primarily, glorified Islam, the Sultan and God by means of its spectacular Hispano-Moorish and islamic art and architecture. The Alhambra also represented the power of the Sultan in both religion and political matters. And the Alhambra was "home" to its inhabitants.

Model of the Alhambra

Model of the Alhambra Granada Spain
Model in Torre de la Calahorra, Cordoba

The Alhambra Plateau

The Alhambra site is on a singular landscape, carved by a fast-flowing river: the river Darro. The above natural plateau was sheared off from the below Albayzin district by a deep ravine.

The plateau area covers 142,000 m2, sweeping W.N.W. to E.N.E.
View ranges are panoramic, spanning to the heights of the snowy peaks of the Sierra Nevada, over the city, over the Alpujarras in the south and towards the Antequeran vegas in the west.
There were thirteen watch-towers (until Napoleon's troops blew-up a couple of the watch-towers in 1812 AD, during the war of Independence) and fortified walls protected the Alhambra site, which eventually, overspread the entire plateau.

The Alhambra was a City within a Fortress

Highlights of the Alhambra - Alhambra Granada Palaces Gems

Discover details of the Old Royal Palaces: the Nazrid Palaces the best features of Alhambra's Islamic complex Alhambra-Granada-Spain-1

Detail of Taracea Craftsmanship, Mexuar Palace Alhambra

There are four distinct zones:
  • The Alhambra Palaces: Los Palacios Nazaries
  • The Alcazaba - or military zone
  • The Medina - where the city lay
  • The Generalife - the summer palace
The Alhambra park is situated in the Assabica valley sweeping from the south to the west. Moorish Water Gardens, parks and flower areas were generously distributed. Unseen to visitors were vast vegetable gardens and fruit orchards which supplied the Alhambra inhabitants. Excellence in Water Technology, farming and gardening remained a scientific project in Moorish Agriculture.

Places That Require Alhambra Tickets

To gain the most benefit from your visit to the Alhambra, you need at least half-a-day and preferably, a whole day. Don't forget to carry water.